Ranau Rindu Yang Hampir Hilang -Sinopsis

"This ancient battle was and is inevitable"….
"Pertarungan purbakala tersebut memang tidak dapat dielakkan dan bakal berulang"......
mcm mo d sambung pula cerita 'ranau rindu yang hampir hilang' atau singkatannya RRYHH.....aku tdk pasti siapa yg membaca..
tp aku terasa bertanggungjawab untuk menyambungnya pula.
mcm aku mau delete ja dari blog cikemiau aku tu...
aku mula bercerita mengenainya pd tahun 2011..
1. bermula dari pengenalan RRYHH (2011)
2. "buku 10 tahun akan datang" (2012)
3 ."back to the future" (2012)
4. "berita dari BBC London" (2015)
5. "wanita termuda terkaya di Malaysia" (2015)
dan terakhir...
6. "Tasha melanjutkan pelajaran ke Eropah" (2015)

tapi...ada juga rasa mcm mau kasi siap...
ada jugalah aku cuba utk teruskan cerita ni.....jangan trkjut kalau kamu pernah mngikuti cerita RRYHH ini...... sambungan cerita seterusnya lebih menduga imaginasi....bini tidak setuju dengan sambungan RRYHH ni...tu psl aku hold bertahun2...bini kata terlalu advance atau kompleks or complicated untuk difahami...hahahaha.....ingatkan cerita jiwang kannn....
apa2 pun kalau belum baca silalah ke blog saya cikemiau..link d bawah..

saya akan delete semua cerita RRYHH ini dari blog saya.
sedikit maklumat ttg RRYHH.....sorry dlm english...(bgus terus buat dlm bahasa inggeris kann...hahahahaha)

Ram has friends (alex & ekin). Transferred working to Ranau (recall something when ‘RAINING”) had caused........twisted with Tasha memories…why???............ Ram concern about the girl…. (Tasha) which he met about 5 years ago in Ranau. This long lost relationship made her special in his life……….. Tasha never replies all those letters that Ram sent to her………..

Tasha re-emerged into ram's life in a new version…she is different compared to 5 yrs ago…out of sudden she left for study in England..

Ram inherited Tasha's father wealth by long lost WILL (Tasha's letter)…shocking????...... ..... Tasha comes from a rich family, her father died when she was 2 years old……….. she will only inherits his father wealth when she is 21 years old but that did not materialised as she is not fit due to amnesia………..

But she did write a will in a letter in replying Ram’s letter that never comes to Ram’s hand……….. At that time Tasha was dying due to cancer………. Thus she named Ram as the person to inherits the wealth, in any event if she is found not fit when her age becomes 21 years old….….

???……… Ram needs Tasha answers, So many questions??? Why Tasha did not relates this so called 'will' b4 she went abroad. Thus to locates her is a must for him..

"Ram, alex and ekin went to London…………. ram figuring ways on how to return Tasha wealth back to her……..as this is not a quick to rich scheme for him…..adventurous happens in their way to see Tasha………..Tasha did not study in any university but searching for a secret society of some lost ancient civilization……..the old story resurfaces …the legend...the lost powerful and high tech civilization existed about 50,000 years ago…… the leader of the Dark Warriors that has been around secretly waiting for an ancient hero every thousands of years in a pursue to eliminates all his enemies ……

A Legend Warrior, an army leader and "protector of the nation" with other 11 equal Committees ruled the civilization….so powerful with their advance 'SS' technologies originated from 7 essences of 7 universes are in their DNA possession……..

but conflict happened....The warrior fought against other 11 committees and failed in his battle debut..
He escaped, became time traveller, dominates the future and destined everything in other dimension.……later the 11 committee’s members frozen and vacuumed the nation in order to prevent from next attack…………they embodied their 11 DNAs in human form and sent 9 of them out scattered throughout the entire 7 universes and 2 twins DNA remain???…………

but some questions were unanswerable to Ram……… what was their functions, those out from and stay??………….these questions remain unsolved to uncover the truth behind the legend except for the enemy that has prepared everything in the future………

"For generations this bloodline were protected and made separated from each other….so many keys to unlock the secret…….

Those mysterious life was and is hidden, even not known by their ancestors....Mysterious Tasha riddles got deepen………. 'somebody' is the twin DNA for Tasha in order to weaken SS defense in the old frozen civilization………..

she is not Tasha!!!! but who is she???
revelations in a form of dreams and voices unleashed some connection with Ram’s dejavu about ‘Rain’..

But the mysterious Tasha riddles never stop there and in fact only at its beginning. Problems getting deepen as they found out that Ram is the twin for Tasha in order to weaken SS defense by means if there is outside power wants to re-rise AD1’s world.

Tasha2 goals is to prepare AD1 to be ready for any possibilities in 10 years from now. It is vital as Dark Warriors reportedly has been progressing into their secret project of MI2 high tech time machine success.
With Project MI2, they can gather all 10 Dark Time energy through portal which is called as super tunnel energy. This superpower Dark Time combined energy will easily destroy AD1 shield of 12 SS DNA Twins DNA Energy .

On their course to encounter TASHA enigma, then there emerge the image of ‘Dark warrior’…..about those bad things they had done and still doing………. For thousands years ‘Dark Warriors’ preparing for their coming Leader, he had done many wars against his ‘own’ people since 50,000 years ago………..

and each and every time he was defeated by those 2 Twin DNA ………… and has to wait for another 5,000 years……… But this time he may win as one of the Twin DNA is dying…...

These 2 Twin DNA has never met before not until Ram met Tasha in the current world……….. also Ram learned the consequences that either Tasha or him must leave or die!!!!!!.........

Tasha2 said she is not Tasha – in fact she told her mission is to be prepared for 'Dark Warriors' invasion in 10 years from now on (during Dark Time) and said that Tasha 1 found out that Ram as Tasha’s Twins DNA for SS, as such they cannot get nearer to each other since that will open the possibility to weaken AD1 defense…

10 years from now is the era of Dark Time of which all 7 universes will be aligned. This will only happen once in 5,000 years time. During Dark Time, energy will be released through all universes of which in a position circling Earth AD1 universe. Dark Time energy is so powerful that it can penetrate SS defense.

Either Ram or Tasha must leave, just like others 6 twins DNA that had been separated by sending one of them to other universe. These have happened for 50,000 years and will always happens in order to keep AD1 safe from outsider.

Ram learned that he is one of those Twins DNA. Ram saved Tasha from cancer.
Ram must go to into the future and find where they keep the portals and dysfunction them…..
but Ram is the weakest among all DNA as inherited, how is it possible to defends AD1. This is what makes Ram the most powerful protecter to defend AD1 from Dark Warrior…...

"This ancient battle was and is inevitable"….(ramsah sabdin - ranau rindu yang hampir hilang)

Cerita Seterusnya Tasha Buka Cerita
Cerita Sebelumnya Surat Tasha


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