Malaysian Projek Permata Pintar

Malaysia has its own program to gather and monitor high IQ children to ensure their potential up to the maximum. It is a noble effort of which anchored by our very own Prime Minister's Wife and assisted by the National University Of Malaysia. Not many people realise the significance of this program. This is a good started for our future benefit.

High IQ people doing no harms to others. Being a minority, they always found lost in nowhere. A specific education system is the answer. It is time for the nation to support and deliver what is needed to flourish the talent sleeping inside of this group of people. Finally allow me to share a page of Project Permata Pintar from the website itself as below.

(Ramsah - Cikemiau)

UKM PERMATApintar Education Program, is an educational program that jewel gifted students in Malaysia who was born by a local higher education institutions. National University of Malaysia has been entrusted by the Prime Minister to implement the educational program through the National PERMATApintar Centre, UKM, was formed in January 2010. This program will commence in January 17, 2011. The first intake of gifted students for this program is a total of 116 students aged 16 years from all over Malaysia who have been through the screening of three Tests PERMATApintar UKM1, UKM2 PERMATApintar Test Competency Test and the Mathematics and Science (Test UKM3).

This program focuses on education and learning that is holistic and based on the National Education Philosophy. It also emphasizes the development of physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual and social balance. Thus, this program will focus on student development philosophy and principles of living a balanced peace in the five aspects mentioned.

2.0 STRUCTURE OF UKM PERMATApintar Education Program has two levels: the Level 1 and Level 2. Certificate award is given to students after they complete their Level 1 and Level 2 program. The program is placed under the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and shaped boarding school with the help of government but has its own autonomy in the principles of implementation. Students who register for this program is a student of the University and subject to all rules set by the University.

UKM PERMATApintar Education Program is a full-time program that takes about two (2) years. This program emphasizes the study of differentiation (differentiated learning) in which all students learn at different levels according to their learning level. It also emphasizes student-centered learning and using various methods including cooperative learning and collaborative methods based, lecture, large group and small groups, hands-on laboratory and field studies, research projects with research expert group UKM, research reports, construction folio, mobility programs and student exchange, identity construction modular and spiritual programs and problem-based learning (PBL). Students are also exposed to the concept of Higher Order Thinking (HOT) to help them develop creative thinking, critical and innovative in their learning.

a. Provide educational programs that emphasize holistic blend of faith in God with the knowledge that is beneficial as well as a combination between theory and practice, which is the main basis for the development of knowledge, the scholarly community and national development.

b. Develop, prepare and implement appropriate learning curriculum with the learning needs of academically gifted students with high intellectual potential.

c. Provides the initial experiences of gifted students to study at institutions of higher learning mentor once guided an academic staff of UKM which was already successful in their respective fields.

d. To provide opportunities for gifted students to get early experience in a research project to develop the potential of creative and innovative minds.

e. Gifted education model that involves the integration of higher secondary education curriculum with the injection of higher level syllabus which was offset by international education curriculum.

f. Creating a platform of smart partnership and collaboration between industry, universities and higher secondary education programs in an effort to complement each other SMEs to provide a learning experience that can help the development of gifted students as a whole.

This program is designed to produce gifted students who have the following characteristics:
a. Able, skilled and competitive to achieve academic excellence at the national level and between nations.

b. Has a life of values ​​based on religious beliefs embodied in the behavior of noble decent and civilized.

c. Having high creativity in generating solutions to problems, and can cause or create a new thinking in relation to what we have learned as a result of a detailed and critical scrutiny.

d. Healthy physical, mental, positive thinking and self-consciousness exhibit maturity and wisdom, and the next national self berjati can become citizens and citizens of the world that can always be menerobosi new knowledge that can improve quality of life of mankind.

e. Having good leadership, responsibility and can make informed decisions that positively impact the lives and the environment, taking into account the principles of good and ethical values.

f. Language skills and communicate effectively

g. Strong individuals who are sensitive to social responsibility and skill to play that role effectively.

Overall, the goal of this program is illustrated in the figure below:

This program has six (6) the learning outcomes. At the end of study the student can:
a. Demonstrate knowledge of and interpret in daily practice

b. Show a responsible attitude toward self, others and the environment.

c. Exhibit behavior consistent with ethical and moral values ​​is central to global best practices of life.

d. Shows the behavior of lead and can use effective communication and working in a team.

e. Demonstrate the ability to think critically, be creative and innovative in solving problems using various methods, including the latest technology.

f. Showing skills globalization, entrepreneurship and management.

The figure below illustrates the learning outcomes and learning environment is central to the process of higher learning in secondary education programs PERMATApintar UKM:
Students will follow the school education system as prescribed by the Ministry of Education Malaysia. Learning schedule 2011 are as follows:

All learning (except for language courses among Nations) will be conducted using a dual-language Bahasa Malaysia and English. Higher Secondary Education Program in the form of full-time student requires the following six (6) learning components as follows:

a. Malaysian Certificate of Education
Students take and pass with distinction 10 subjects (6 components core subjects and four elective subjects component). The core subjects are subjects that have been set by the Ministry of Education Malaysia.However, students can discuss with management programs to choose elective subjects you wish to take.

b. O Level Examination
All the subjects offered for examination was in English. Students can take up to 10 subjects for this examination. However, learning for each subject for the examination conducted in tandem with mainstream education (MCE)

c. A Level Examination
Students will only be allowed to take the test if ready. All subjects are offered in English. Students may take five (5) or more subjects at A Level.

d. SAT reasoning Test (Scholastic Aptitude Test and Scholastic Assessment Test)
SAT is a standard test for admission to universities in the United States. SAT consists of three (3) parts namely: Critical Reading, Mathematics and Writing. Each section has a score between 200 and 800 points.The total score for SAT tests taken as the total score for the third set.

Evaluation is a form of summative and formative. As part of the process of learning pembembezaan (differentiated learning) all learning begins with pre-test to determine the level of student learning. Students will also be evaluated every three months and at the end of the semester to help the management to identify students who need help in the learning process. Parent-teacher meetings, students will be done to help each party understand the learning process carried out. At each end of the semester, student scores will be calculated in the GPA (Grade Point Average) and CGPA (Overall Grade Point Average. Scores whole depends not only on purely academic scores, but also includes all six (6) described the learning component.

10.0 FEES
The fees will be charged to each student is RM1, 000 per semester (for a period of six months). Students with parental income less than RM5, 000 will get financial aid, parents need to pay only part of the fee only.However, details relating to the fees will be uploaded later. Fees cover the following matters:
a. Food
b. Residence
c. Learning materials (text books, stationery, notebooks, book reports, etc.)
d. The use of laboratory
e. Programs of spiritual / moral / etc identity.
f. Uniformed ko-kurikulum/Badan activity
g. Mobility Program
h. Most programs, including sports clothing apparel
i. PTA fees
j. Accommodation deposit
k. And others (to be determined later)

During registration, students can wear school uniforms available. The management of the National PERMATApintar Centre, UKM will provide clothing for the program book upon registration. Until the completion of the program dress book, students can use the existing school uniforms.

Students will be in place to do college Zaaba PERMATApintar Center's residential colleges, UKM to be completed in 2011. PERMATApintar Center has provided a room at the College Zaaba building for the accommodation. There are two blocks: Block Student Male and Female Students Block. The two blocks are separated by a locked door. Students are provided with places at night for each block. Two teachers who worked as a warden will also be placed in each hostel. Students can contact the warden at any time necessary.

Each morning, students will be brought to the Country PERMATApintar Complex, UKM for learning to use buses provided at UKM. Students will eat breakfast, morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea in the country during the learning PERMATApintar Complex. Students will be brought back into residential colleges after learning. Dinner will be provided at the College Zaaba. Students will also be brought to the Country PERMATApintar Complex on Saturday morning to carry out extra-curricular activities. Students will be allowed to leave or return home on Saturday (after the extra-curricular activities) to Sunday evening. Students are required to fill out and sign in each time leaving the campus from residential or PERMATApintar Center Complex. This is to ensure the safety of the students secured their stay in the program.

All learning activities will be conducted at the National PERMATApintar Complex from 8.00 am until 4.30 pm.Currently the complex has a building management, Multi-Purpose Hall, Block and Block Learning Laboratory (laboratory science, computers, music and counseling room). Each room can accommodate a total of 20 education students draft comfortably. Thus, each class will only have a maximum of 20 students only. The picture below is the block that has Multi-Purpose Hall in the National PERMATApintar Complex, UKM.

(Source -


  1. Thanks for posting this. I want to enter in Permatapintar and this gave me a clear sight of how The schedule goes and etc.

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