Trees Dies from The Top

Just want to share some thoughts. In management we need planning. In planning we need to set goal. To set goal we need SWOT. To go for SWOT we need data. To check for data we need source about past and future.

Future equivalent to present time in the past. Past is equivalent to present time in the future. So what's holding those 2 different time frame is the present time or NOW. Thus what we need to see is about where we should be at the present time. Organisation, Community, or society is established by a group of individuals with common goals but with different contribution based on each capability or skills. 

By examining the trend of current globalisation, competitiveness is at the edge of those who have multi skills and cross contributors on achieving organisation's goals. Any gaps on this must be reconciled corrected in steering to the correct path goals. It is a matter of solid workforce.

Just like that, fill up the gap. You cannot move on by sacrifice any members in the team. It is not a Chess game. Chess philosophy is only to save the King. It is a team's effort. Ignoring one's contribution means denying the team's goal as a whole. A leader is a leader. You not only need to know what is your direction, but more importantly how to get everybody there.

To conclude, fill in the gap. Move on as a team. Be fair. Walk the talk, because talk is so cheap. I would like to quote a nice reminder from a management Guru...."Trees dies from the Top". We are here not because to support the leader, but conversely the leader is here to support us. What do you think????


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