
Showing posts from December, 2012


hey Natasha kali pertama kuterpandang wajahmu sungguh ayu..... bagai terasa kita berdua bermadu cinta saling bercumbu cinta...... ukirlah senyummu pada pelangi lihatlah sinar rembulan andainya kau masih lagi kesunyian dekatlah padaku....... dikala aku rindu kubayangkan mimpi mimpiku dikala engkau senyum kau panahi hatiku...... (ramsnatasha1987)

We need to change on how we see things

Cikemiau...2013 is coming. I hate to leave 2012, but I cannot wait to see pinnacles in 2013.  Can you feel something that...hey that is me!!!. Precisely, people is in common. Same thoughts and recycling ideas. Comfort zone is nothing to be prevail. The world is changing. Not because of we have to, but due to the exciting it would becomes instead of staying put and follow the ladder. It is not jumping over something that you could not do, it might be seem eccentric to someone but that is totally not the case. At the bigger scale...unleashing potentials...reap all what it takes. Vividly it does not need for you to say sorry for others, or do not think of it at all. Remember how we thought that we were so fragile to embrace the Free Trade Area. Some contemplations...You want to stay safe and still be the winner among your yourselves? Nothing can survive not even the Big China if only the leaders chose to 'close policy'. Nothing is easy, but something has to be started somewhe...

Ranau Rindu Yg Hampir Hilang - Bhg 2 (Back To The Future)

Sewaktu menonton kami tak banyak berkomunikasi. Seingat aku kami cuma berkomunikasi semasa mencari tempat duduk sebelum layar filem bermula.  "Tasha..pegang tangan ram ye..", keadaan agak gelap dimana penonton masing-masing mencari tempat duduk. Masing-masing asyik dan teruja. Cerita filem ni memang menarik. Agaknya banyak yang boleh kami kongsi selepas menonton filem ni. "Huhh...bestnya ram!!!..tak rugi u belanja tasha tengok wayang hari ini...memang puas hati'. Tasha kelihatan masih anggun walaupun sedikit menggigil setelah lebih 2 jam dalam panggung wayang. Sesampai di luar panggung aku menggeliat "adoooiii..sakit punggung duduk macam ni..nasib baik cerita tu best..tapi sejuk sangatlah dalam tadi!!!" Keadaan di luar sebenarnya masih hujan dan dingin yang menyebabkan suhu dalam panggung wayang bertambah sejuk. Sesudah menunggu seketika, hujan pun mulai reda. Dah hampir jam 5 petang. Perlahan-lahan matahari mulai menampakkan diri dan mulai menguasai ...