
Showing posts from October, 2012

Meaning of Supremacy

So many things nowadays have came up desperately need to be addressed wisely. I heard opinions, condemnations, and some cheap childish talks. Come on guys, show us some respect. There is no boundary to take or keep the helm, but please at the same time do teach us something that those outsiders cannot. Everybody agree that it is not who's the deliver but what delivered. As far as the histories concern, it was not the leaders that counts but their ideas and end results. Superman does not exist. Only super human with great consciousness that met all needs as required at their supremacy. Steering the country progression under microscopic observation by embracing good governance is a must. Vast credibility resembles good leader. Not just that but also their tracks records. I believe everybody is at the same courage if they pursue forward on what it takes. Sometimes we don't need the legacies more than we need perseverance in order to overcome adversity. We are not selling an...


Sesuatu yang berisiko biasanya mempunyai kemungkinan pulangan yang sangat tinggi. Vice versa juga sekiranya kita ingin kekal di kawasan 'Comfort Zone'. Saya teringat tentang peristiwa 'sub prima' yang melanda dunia beberapa tahun lepas. Kesan itu berakar umbi di dunia barat. Bercerita tentang risiko, inilah sebenarnya yang terjadi bila kita tidak mempunyai 'contingency plan' ataupun kemungkinan kerana disebabkan perhitungan yang salah. Mendengar kepada amanat yang disampaikan oleh Perdana Menteri dalam Perhimpunan MCA yang terakhir sebelum Pilihanraya, semestinya beliau mengundang resah kepada mereka mereka yang berhasrat untuk menukar kepimpinan Malaysia. Datuk Seri Najib mengatakan yang bermaksud ada dikalangan kita yang berkata tak salah kalau memberi 5 tahun percubaan kepada 'Kerajaan Baru'...Beliau menambah kononnya mereka berkata jika kerajaan itu tak bagus maka kita tukar pula lagi 5 tahun kemudian. Memang benar ada dikalangan rakyat yang berpe...